NOUNS - Nigerian Curriculum. In Nigeria


Nigerian Curriculum. In Nigeria

Nigerian Curriculum, easylessonnotes is an online educational resourse for JSS and SSS students, teachers and parents.

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Monday 27 May 2019



A noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing, or idea.


John, Mary, boy, girl, man, woman, doctor, lawyer
Abuja, Lagos, home, room, town, hospital, market
Table, chair, book, bag, river, mountain, pole, lorry
Dog, cat, horse, cow, goat, bird, fish, reptile,
Tree, grass, shrub, flower, vegetable
Flood, war, earthquake, tsunami,
Christmas, Easter, birthday, Independence Day
Jogging, dancing, singing, racing, 
Fear, pleasure, anger, hate, joy, grief, sympathy
Freedom, chaos, luxury, wisdom
Courage, honesty, generosity, patient, determination
Darkness, truth, heritage, faith, expensive, diet
Crowd, team, class, staff, herd,
Scoop, pinch, litre, kilogram, yard, mile

Clues To Nouns:
 There are three excellent clues that will help you identify nouns:

1.   Noun Ending – Most nouns have the plural form ‘s’. Example: Eggs, books, letters etc.
                             - Some nouns end with the suffix ‘ness’. Example: happiness, goodness etc
                             - Other noun ending words are addition, ability, punishment, acceptance,
                                Truth etc

2.    Signal Words – Most nouns come after adjectives or articles  such as ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’,
                                 ‘some’, ‘many’,’ much’, ‘several’, ‘few’, ‘more’ etc.  Example:
                                 a tree, an orange, the door, some books, many children, much oil
                                 several restaurants, few hours, more food..... ( The words underlined
                                 are nouns)
-          Prepositions like at, of, to, for, after, as, like, in, on are some signal words that come before nouns and pronouns.
Example: at home, of plastic, to school, after breakfast, in bed etc.                  
3.     Before Verbs – Nouns often precede or come before verbs in some sentence pattern.
                               - Example: John is,  Mary was, drivers are, pencils were, members can,
                                                   Dogs bite, birds sing, goats eat, fish swim, children play etc.

Exercise:  Pick out the nouns used in the following sentences.

1. Peter is a student.
2. Look at the sheep grazing in the field.
3. Daisy spends too much time watching television.
4. The women can ride bicycle.
5. The winner received a prize.

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